The Multifamily Legacy Podcast – Corey Peterson – 09/10/2019

Everyone wants a place to call home, even if they buy or own it. They still have the same desires, wants, and needs of a homeowner— community, safety, and someone who cares. 

Today, I’m talking to Bruce Wuollet of Bakerson’s about how to create community, assets that improve areas, and make money. Bakerson’s focus is on Class C workforce housing (a.k.a. permanent renters). 

Topics on Today’s Episode:

Links and Resources Mentioned:

Quotes by Bruce Wuollet:

“Our focus is the permanent renter. The one who may never own a home and would like to live in one.” 

“There’s people that don’t pay their bills…they got to go. (They) don’t fit our community. You’re not taking care of what you’re supposed to take care of.” 

“You want a clean community. Just doing the right things right is really powerful.” 

“You’re not going to grow without learning.”